4387 State Route 374, Nicholson, Pa, 18446 Seconds off Rt 81, Exit 206
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URGENT! Long Covid, as defined by the CDC, is a condition that can persist or develop after a COVID-19 infection, with symptoms lasting for weeks, months, or even years.
This is a pressing health issue that demands our immediate attention.
Long Covid manifests in various ways, including extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog, rapid or irregular heartbeat, dizziness, pins and needles sensation, difficulty concentrating, headaches, sleep disturbances, and more. These symptoms can significantly affect your health and, even more so, your daily life to the point of debilitating.
To help our community understand what is happening, we've created a booklet called "Long COVID: Understanding the Post-Pandemic Health Issues in America." This is a natural, holistic solution that anyone can help with. To get your copy, reply to the comment with "Long COVID" and leave your email. You can also DM us.
Post-COVID symptoms should not be taken lightly. Please know that COVID is not one and done. Long COVID is not going away and will be here for a long time. If you have unresolved health issues or know someone who does, please share this post.
Let me share a story.
A very skeptical new client came to OWHN because, after eight months of going from doctor to doctor and having every test under the sun, she just kept getting worse. Her main issue was dizziness. She was healthy overall but was getting scared because she now needed assistance walking. Her quality of life was diminishing very quickly, with no end in sight.
No worries. Our testing methods differ from conventional medicine's, which makes us unique. In testing her, we found her to have post-pandemic factors.
Easy fix: we gave the body the proper nutrition to remedy the problem and detox the body properly.
Are you ready......In one week, she was still skeptical, but to her amazement, she was feeling better. All is working come back in a week. The following week, she's smiling, walking, and questioning what is happening, but she likes it. She doesn't understand, but she likes it. Another week, she came in excited to say that for the first time, she went up and down her stairs in the house three times without holding the railing. She was so excited. The point was that she was healing and feeling better than ever in just a few short weeks. Is she skeptical now? Heck no!
Please don't hesitate to ask questions. If I have..., can you help? What about if someone has...? Can OWHN help?
Have a blessed day.
4387 State Route 374, Nicholson, Pa, 18446
Mon - Wed: 08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Thu: 08:00 am - 12:00 pm
Fri - Sun: Closed
By appointment only